PHP Full Stack Developer Program

Welcome to MKP IT Services’s PHP Full Stack Development program, where we empower you to become a proficient Full Stack Developer, well-versed in the art of creating dynamic and scalable web solutions. Whether you’re a novice looking to start your coding journey or an experienced developer seeking to expand your skill set, our comprehensive training is your gateway to mastering PHP Full Stack development.

Placement Guarantee: Seize exciting career opportunities with our dedicated placement support, connecting you with industry-leading companies actively seeking skilled PHP Full Stack developers.

Duration: Fast-track your Full Stack journey with our intensive 6 months program, covering the complete PHP stack to make you job-ready.

Course Content:

  1. PHP Fundamentals:
    • Master the basics of PHP programming, including syntax, data types, and functions, setting the foundation for server-side development.
  2. MySQL Database:
    • Dive into MySQL, a powerful relational database management system, to learn data modeling, querying, and optimization for efficient data storage.
  3. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript:
    • Explore the trio of frontend technologies essential for building interactive user interfaces, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  4. PHP Frameworks (Laravel/CodeIgniter):
    • Choose between Laravel or CodeIgniter, and delve into the chosen framework to expedite backend development, implement MVC architecture, and ensure code scalability.
  5. Frontend Frameworks (React/Vue.js):
    • Enhance your frontend development skills by choosing between React or Vue.js, creating dynamic and modern user interfaces.
  6. RESTful APIs:
    • Understand the principles of building RESTful APIs to facilitate communication between the frontend and backend components of your applications.
  7. Version Control and Deployment:
    • Embrace modern development practices with Git for version control and delve into deployment strategies for ensuring smooth application delivery.
  8. Security Best Practices:
    • Implement security measures to safeguard your web applications, covering topics like data validation, encryption, and protection against common vulnerabilities.
  9. Project Work and Real-world Applications:
    • Apply your acquired skills to real-world projects, ensuring practical experience and a comprehensive understanding of Full Stack Development.

Package for Placement: Our program comes with attractive placement packages, with salaries ranging from 2.4 LPA to 8 LPA. We are dedicated to connecting our graduates with top tech companies, ensuring a seamless transition into the workforce.

Attractive Content:

Elevate your career with MKP IT Services’s PHP Full Stack Development Program – where expertise meets innovation. Join us on this transformative journey to become a skilled and sought-after Full Stack Developer in the realm of PHP web development.