DotNET Full Stack Developer Program

At MKP IT Services, we are committed to shaping versatile and proficient .NET Full Stack Developers. Our comprehensive training program is meticulously designed to equip you with the skills needed to excel in both frontend and backend development, ensuring you become a valuable asset in the ever-evolving world of technology.

Placement Guarantee: Navigate the competitive job market with confidence. Our program includes dedicated placement support, connecting you with top-tier companies seeking skilled .NET Full Stack Developers.

Duration: Accelerate your career in just 6 months with our intensive .NET Full Stack training. Designed for efficiency, our program covers the entire spectrum of .NET technologies.

Course Content:

  1. C# and .NET Fundamentals:
    • Master the foundational concepts of C# programming language and .NET framework, laying the groundwork for your full-stack journey.
  2. Frontend Development:
    • Dive into modern frontend technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Explore popular frameworks such as ASP.NET MVC and Blazor for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces.
  3. Backend Development with ASP.NET:
    • Learn the art of server-side development using ASP.NET Core, covering topics like routing, middleware, and building RESTful APIs for seamless communication between frontend and backend.
  4. Database Management:
    • Gain expertise in working with databases using SQL Server or other popular databases, ensuring efficient data storage, retrieval, and management.
  5. Entity Framework:
    • Explore Entity Framework for simplified database operations, enhancing the efficiency of data access in your applications.
  6. Web API Development:
    • Understand the principles of building robust Web APIs, enabling smooth integration of your applications with other systems and services.
  7. Client-Side Frameworks:
    • Delve into client-side frameworks such as Angular or React, enhancing your capabilities to build sophisticated and interactive user interfaces.
  8. Version Control and DevOps:
    • Embrace modern development practices with Git for version control and delve into DevOps principles, including continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD).
  9. Project Work and Real-world Applications:
    • Apply your knowledge to real-world projects, ensuring practical application of the skills you acquire throughout the training.

Package for Placement: Our program comes with attractive placement packages, with salaries ranging from 3.0 LPA to 15.0 LPA. We aim to connect our graduates with leading tech companies, ensuring a seamless transition into the workforce.

Attractive Content:

Elevate your career with MKP IT Service’s .NET Full Stack Training Program – where innovation meets expertise. Join us on this transformative journey to become a skilled and sought-after .NET Full Stack Developer.